Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Highs and Lows of 23 Things

The highs for me were the excited comments from staff about how much fun they were having and how they were working together as a team to complete the 'THINGS'. It was also great to have the comments :

1) I now know more than my kids and can show them something! and
2) What's that? - from one of the IT support staff on campus

This type of comment really gives us the feeling that we are early adopters of this technology. It's at this time that you realise that you know so much more than before!!

Where to next?

I want to use some of the technology to make our info lit in libraries so much better.
  1. How about using Camtasia to design some vidcasts with voice overs and either upload them to Youtube or Teachertube and then embed them into web pages or WebCT courses?
  2. How about designing some signs using image generators or even the magazine covers and after laminating them - using them as invitations for courses?
  3. How about having a Wiki for staff and students that would encourage our students to actively be involved in helping their fellow students successfully complete their studies?
For me personally - I'm going to continue with Learning 2.1 and complete some of the activities there. I might even add some of the Things to Peel's Blog for lecturers and teachers ie Peel Inlet (Peel Investigating New Learning Emerging Technologies)

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